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Creates one catalog item from url that points to a magda record.


  • The url points to a magda server.
  • A magda record identified by recordId must be mappable.
  • Example usage

      "type": "magda",
      "url": "",
      "name": "Magda example",
      "recordId": "dist-sa-97d6773f-6ce8-4b0b-a2a1-c2687448c672",
      "id": "some unique id"


    Trait Type Default Description
    recordId string

    The ID of the Magda record referred to by this reference.

    magdaRecord any

    The available representation of the Magda record as returned by the Magda registry API. This representation may not include all aspects and it may not be dereferenced.

    override any

    The properties to apply to the dereferenced item, overriding properties that come from Magda itself.

    distributionFormats MagdaDistributionFormatTraits[]

    The supported distribution formats and their mapping to Terria types. These are listed in order of preference.

    addOrOverrideAspects any

    The properties to apply to the dereferenced item, overriding the record aspects

    name string

    The name to use for this catalog member before the reference is loaded.

    description string

    The description to use for this catalog member before the reference is loaded. Markdown and HTML may be used.

    dataCustodian string

    Gets or sets a description of the custodian of this data item.

    isGroup boolean

    Is the target of this reference expected to be a catalog group?

    isFunction boolean

    Is the target of this reference expected to be a catalog function?

    isMappable boolean

    Is the target of this reference expected to have map items?

    isChartable boolean

    Is the target of this reference expected to have chart items?

    itemProperties any

    Sets traits on group member items (note - will not set traits to sub-groups). This applies to all nested group members (eg members in sub-groups). Also see itemPropertiesByType and itemPropertiesByIds.

    Item properties will be set in the following order (highest to lowest priority) itemPropertiesByIds, itemPropertiesByType, itemProperties.

    itemPropertiesByType ItemPropertiesByTypeTraits[]

    Sets traits on group member items by model type (eg csv or geojson). This applies to all nested group members (eg members in sub-groups). Only one itemProperties can be specified per type.

    Item properties will be set in the following order (highest to lowest priority) itemPropertiesByIds, itemPropertiesByType, itemProperties.

    itemPropertiesByIds ItemPropertiesByIdTraits[]

    Sets traits on group member items by model ID. This applies to all nested group members (eg members in sub-groups). Only one itemProperties can be specified per id.

    Item properties will be set in the following order (highest to lowest priority) itemPropertiesByIds, itemPropertiesByType, itemProperties.

    isOpenInWorkbench boolean true

    Whether the item in the workbench open or collapsed.

    url string

    The base URL of the file or service.

    forceProxy boolean

    Force the default proxy to be used for all network requests.

    cacheDuration string 0d

    The cache duration to use for proxied URLs for this catalog member. If undefined, proxied URLs are effectively cachable forever. The duration is expressed as a Varnish-like duration string, such as '1d' (one day) or '10000s' (ten thousand seconds).


    Trait Type Default Description
    id string

    The ID of this distribution format.

    formatRegex string

    A regular expression that is matched against the distribution's format.

    urlRegex string

    A regular expression that is matched against the distribution's URL.

    definition any

    The catalog member definition to use when the URL and Format regular expressions match. The URL property will also be set.


    Trait Type Default Description
    type string

    The type of model to apply itemProperties to. This must be defined.

    itemProperties any

    Sets traits on group member items of specified type. This applies to all nested group members (eg members in sub-groups)


    Trait Type Default Description
    ids string[]

    The IDs of models to apply itemProperties to.

    itemProperties any

    Sets traits on group member items of specified id. This applies to all nested group members (eg members in sub-groups)